Fighting the Lead Ban

Many of you will have seen the recent HSE proposals outlining the restriction of lead ammunition. While the intention to address environmental concerns is understood and supported, the proposed measures present substantial challenges to our sport and for the shooting community generally. If they become Law it will have wide-reaching effects on target shooting, particularly for shotgun. 

. In summary the HSE proposes: 

  1. Lead Shot (Shotgun) 
    • Prohibited: Use for live quarry and target shooting.
    • Derogations: Competitive athletes (ISSF disciplines ONLY) on British Shooting’s list may use lead shot for international competitions and training only. 
    • Market Restrictions: Sale or free distribution of lead shot for target shooting prohibited, except for competitive athletes as per above. 
    • Transition Period: 5 years.
  2. Lead Bullets
    • Large Calibre (≥6.17 mm)
      • Prohibited for live quarry shooting.
      • Market restrictions apply, with a required label for target shooting use only.
      • Transition Period: 3 years.
    • Small Calibre (<6.17 mm)
      • Not prohibited for live quarry shooting.
    • Outdoor Target Shooting
      • Prohibited for all calibres unless adequate environmental controls are in place. (de-leading of ranges) 
      • Transition Period: 2 years.
      • Most existing ranges expected to comply.
  3. Air Rifles/Pistols
    • No restrictions on the use or sale of lead ammunition.

Indoor Ranges are specifically excluded from the proposals scope, as the exposure to lead indoors is controlled by the Control of Lead at Work  regulations.

What can we do. Firstly we (the entire shooting community) must work together to reduce the impact on our sport of these proposals. You have a role to remain engaged and informed and where required respond to surveys so that your views can be heard.  Your support in advocating for our sport is crucial. Together, we need to work towards solutions that balance environmental concerns with the preservation of Shooting.

The NTSA will be actively  

  1. Looking to collaborate with Other NGBs: By building alliances with other organisations we can amplify our voice. Working together, we can present a united front against these restrictive measures. We will be looking to engage with the British Shooting Council and others in January to discuss how we can work more closely together and (where possible) how to work with HSE, to see if a less restrictive solution can be found.
  2. Working with Range Operators: We will be supporting our affiliated ranges and range operators/clubs to ensure that they have plans in place to be able to de-lead the ranges as proposed so that Slug shooting will not be restricted. 
  3. Lobbying and Advocacy: We will be lobbying policymakers, emphasising the cultural, economic, and environmental stewardship contributions of the shooting community. Grassroots support from members will be vital in these efforts.
  4. Targeted Solutions with Suppliers: To mitigate the risk we will be looking at target options to enable potential use of steel shot and exploring alternatives with ammunition suppliers, including the development of the eco-friendly options which are suitable for steel plate shotgun shooting.
  5. Support any Legal Challenges to the proposals: Other NGBs are seeking professional legal advice to understand if it is possible to challenge aspects of the ban that lacks clear scientific justification and that disproportionately impacts the shooting community. We will support their efforts, especially in mobilising our members to be visible in any consultation.

If you would like to see more details the full report can be found here.  We are also interested in your ideas on how we should approach this challenge, you can respond to this post or join the conversation on Facebook.

With best wishes for the New Year

Your NTSA Committee


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