Good Reason to Hold a S1 Shotgun
The NTSA has recently issued an Operational Assistance note that you can share with your Firearms licensing team to support a request for a section 1 shotgun in association with shooting target shotgun under the NTSA rules. This can be found on the documents section of our website.
NTSA English Birdshot Championships 2023
New venue for our latest great Target Shotgun competition. The NTSA English Birdshot Championships takes place on Saturday 9th September at Cambridge Gun Club. The Championships will consist of two NTSA birdshot competitions – Standards and Speed Steels. Combined scores will determine the overall Champion. Even better, the top 16 placed competitors will take part in an additional competition of Man V Man. Enter via https://shootnscoreit.com/event/120/80/
NTSA Scottish Birdshot Championships
Next NTSA event is the Scottish Birdshot Championships on 5th August Hosted by Recoil Scotland at their ranges near Shotts, North Lanarkshire. The match is open to all shooters and will require a minimum of 120 rounds of birdshot ammunition. There are two matches making up the Championships – NTSA Birdshot Standards and NTSA Speed Steels. Enter via SSI Scottish Birdshot Championships (shootnscoreit.com)