
  • News

    Digital Membership card and more

    At the end of January, you should have received an invitation to download a digital membership card. This is part of the ongoing upgrade and development to the membership system. The details on the digital card include your membership details and credentials such as RO status. Most often, the additional information can be found by pressing the 3 dots (if you have them), but there are various ways to access the additional data depending on the version of Android/ Apple software you are using. If you have not received the invite, you can download it from the JustGo membership system. Select Profile, your membership and download from the green mobile…

  • News,  NTSA

    Good Reason to Hold a S1 Shotgun

    The NTSA has recently issued an Operational Assistance note that you can share with your Firearms licensing team to support a request for a section 1 shotgun in association with shooting target shotgun under the NTSA rules. This can be found on the documents section of our website.

  • News

    Changes to costs for SGC & FAC

    The Home Office has issued a circular to vary the Licensing Fees for Shotgun and Firearms certificates, which will come into force on February 5th, 2025. Applications received by the police (and paid for) on or before February 4th, 2025, will be at the old rate. Most forces allow applications up to 4 months before renewal is due. Licence type Fee for full-cost recovery Grant of firearms certificate £198 Renewal of firearm certificate £131 Grant of shotgun certificate £194 Renewal of shotgun certificate £126 Coterminous grant of firearm and shotgun certificates £202 Coterminous renewal of firearm and shotgun certificates £155 Registration as a firearms dealer: grant £466 Registration as a…