NTSA Scottish Birdshot Championships
Next NTSA event is the Scottish Birdshot Championships on 5th August Hosted by Recoil Scotland at their ranges near Shotts, North Lanarkshire. The match is open to all shooters and will require a minimum of 120 rounds of birdshot ammunition. There are two matches making up the Championships – NTSA Birdshot Standards and NTSA Speed Steels. Enter via SSI Scottish Birdshot Championships (shootnscoreit.com)
Events Calendar
The NTSA, working with various clubs run a series of Championship and other matches throughout the United Kindom. All matches are open to shooters who are eligible to shoot the firearms and ammunition required within each competition. NTSA members receive a discount on the entry fees. To enter any NTSA event, click on the match and register via the Shoot and Score It match entry system. NTSA English Birdshot Championships – Cambridge – 9th Sept SSI NTSA English Birdshot Championships (shootnscoreit.com) PSUK Police Championships – Bisley – 13th Sept – Microsoft Word – PSUK Entry form 2023 (psukshooting.org) NTSA Club Championships – North Cotes – 14th October – SSI NTSA…